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5 Ways to Choose the Right Career


If you have already started your job search, you know that it isn’t easy. You might see friends surfing job boards applying for any job in their area of study.

However, research suggests that you are more likely to do well in a job if you enjoy it. Guess what is the first step to getting a job you enjoy? Being honest with yourself about what you want to do.

Here is five things to consider when you are choosing the career for you:What do you love doing?

1. What do you love doing?

Think about things you have done in the past: hobbies, internships, volunteering or even group assignments. Which parts of these did you enjoy? If you enjoy helping people, maybe you should look for a job which allows you to do this every day, like customer care, sales or HR. If you liked coming up with ideas for your campus club, try fields where you can do creative problem-solving like marketing or consulting.

2. What are your strengths?

Another way to find some suitable career options is to think about your strengths. One of the best ways to identify your strengths is to speak to your friends, family and colleagues. It’s important to let them know that you are using their input to make a big decision and you would appreciate their honesty. You can also take an online version of the Holland test, which allows you to explore your working style.

Some strengths may be transferable across multiple jobs and industries. For example, sales skills are applicable across most professional jobs. Everyone has to sell at some point: to persuade a customer to buy, to push their idea in a meeting, or to tell their boss to give them a pay rise!

It’s also important to remember that you should not avoid a career just because you are not good at it. It’s just that you’re are not good at it YET.

3. What are you less happy to do?

If you really dislike sitting at a desk all day, then a regular office job may not be for you. However, identifying that you do not like something may not mean you should rule a job out, especially if you have never tried doing that thing before. For example, if you have never used Excel you might find it scary to start working on spreadsheets, but once you try it you may find that you actually enjoy using data! What is the impact you want to have on the world?

4. What is the impact you want to have on the world?

Finding a job not only gets you paid but also gives you the opportunity to affect others for the better. Do you want to pass on your experience through mentorship? Would you like to do something for the environment? You may be able to choose a job or company that allows you to have a positive impact on the world.

5. What do people in the industry say?

Now that you have a better idea of what you are good at and what you would like to do, it’s time for a reality check. It is hard to know what the working world is like until you join it, so the best thing to do is talk to people who are already doing what you want to do. You can reach out to friends and family to see who they know in the industry. You might be surprised at how many people are willing to offer their advice and share their experience. They can tell you more about what would be expected of you and what you should expect in return, or even open your eyes to new opportunities.

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