Home Articles Lifestyle 8 Things You Miss for not Having Premarital Sex

8 Things You Miss for not Having Premarital Sex


A lot of people might have told you that you miss a lot for not having sex. Yes, it is very true. You miss a whole lot for not having premarital sex.

1. You miss contracting HIV/AIDS and other STDs.

2. You miss unwanted pregnancy.

3. You miss being an unwanted husband/wife.

4. You miss being a school dropout.

5. You miss making God and your parents sad.

6. You miss barrenness due to abortions.

7. You miss having destroying your career prospects.

8. Last but not the least, you miss going to hell.

Now you know. You miss a whole lot for not having premarital sex.

Fellow students, your life is worth more than the five minutes enjoyment that can end up destroying your life forever. Preserve your body not just for your future husband or wife but for the almighty God.

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