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‘PRESERVE’, Even this Valentine


I have always thought, ‘To have and to hold’, belonged only in marriage until I came to realise ladies roll out the red carpet for boyfriends and give them husband privileges. Then I understood the saying, ‘To love and to be wise is scarce granted even to a god’.

Sometimes I wish some priority would be placed on that deep-seated place called the heart and employ some degree of sanity in the repeated urgency of ‘The Now’ where everything has become ‘normal’. Beauty is no longer tempered with modesty and they call it ‘normal’… ‘Protection’ is now championed when in former days ‘Abstinence’ was preached and once again they say ‘it’s normal’.

Trying to second guess God is utterly a sign of something gone wrong and less than the best reasons to want to launch into the fleeting pleasures of the flesh. It is true the cute soft falling-in-love eyes are tempting enough to make you forget to slow your role. But if you’ve ever paused to reflect on the popular masculine statement, ‘Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’, only then would you appreciate that to have happiness in life, the dignity for moral responsibilities need be at the top of the totem pole. Before the ‘Love’, if it still can be called that begins to die and the desperacy in the ‘marry me’ anthem as part of the auditioning to be Mrs. Right can no longer be silenced.

Want a man who wouldn’t dare pull off your clothes until your last name has legally changed to his. A man who understands and respects the creed of every girl, ”Beneath my hair and make-up is a label that reads, ‘handle with care'”. Girls, trust, but be careful in whom, the devil was once an angel.

In order for it to be cherished in every moment, to be held close in every embrace, to be fondly missed in every kiss, to be duly appreciated forever and to be remembered with nostalgia, waiting to be given freely when God has brought His best, remember to ‘PRESERVE’ bearing in mind that virtue lives beyond the grave. Again I say ‘PRESERVE’ even this Valentine. A few minutes of a shameless pleasurable deed is not worth the life-taking toll that would remain. Say with me once more, ‘PRESERVE’!!!

Happy Valentine folks…



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