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20 Profound Truths You Learn in Your 20s

Your 20s will feel like a roller coaster — you will laugh, cry, and cringe. But that's all part of the fun! Before you...

The Day They Dressed “Sexy” to Church… (A must read for all ladies)

Two young ladies arrived at church wearing clothes that were quite revealing their body parts. Here's what the pastor told them: ...

10 Types of Invigilators You Will Meet in Exam Halls

1. The ones who will praise the first student to submit his booklet making the rest feel like they know nothing. “Woooooow! You have...

Why the Snooze Button is Ruining your Sleep

The snooze button is one of life's little luxuries, and it's easy to kid yourself into thinking that all you need is an extra...


Alarm goes off at 5am. She hated that sound. Where did the eight hours of sleep run to? But if it was Public Administration...

Legon students are UNIVERSITY STUDENTS!

"Hail the University of Ghana, the nation’s hope and glory..." Does this sound familiar to you? It should, those are the...

Have you ever Gossiped about your Roommate?

A gossip is said to be a conversation involving malicious chatter or rumors about other people. Before you read this piece, take a pause...

What is Faith without Compassion?

Faith is the propelling tool to salvation among some religions. This indeed is the reason devout believers hold on firmly to it. Faith without...

The Death Conundrum

A couple of weeks ago I went to the University Hospital for my Histopathology practicals. As I walked into the morgue, lo and behold,...

8 Things You Miss for not Having Premarital Sex

A lot of people might have told you that you miss a lot for not having sex. Yes, it is very true. You miss...

A Million Ways to Die in KNUST

I’m back like Shatta Wale (and like Shatta Wale), I’ve decided not to keep my big mouth shut. Well, quite untypical of myself, I’ve...

Overcoming the Storms

There comes a time in one's life that everything seems dead. Everything seems moving in a low pace, every day seems to be a...

5 Common Cases Counseling Centers deal with in Universities

Joining campus or university can be a defining moment for many students. It is a time marked by independence, peer influence and difficult career...

Are you proud to be a Woman?

I have always been wondering why Adam will tell God in Genesis 3:12 that “The woman you gave me” instead of saying “the woman...

How to use the 5 Ps of Marketing in Self Branding

Whether we like it or not, we are always judged by how we present ourselves. In meetings, job interviews or dates, people will label...

8 Secrets of the Most Successful University Students

A growing body of evidence suggests that the most significant thing about university is not where you go, but what you do once you...

‘PRESERVE’, Even this Valentine

I have always thought, 'To have and to hold', belonged only in marriage until I came to realise ladies roll out the red carpet...

Hard Guys Praying for Good Wives

I used to think praying about marriage was as much a preserve for girls as pregnancy is. I couldn’t imagine a real hunk on...

The High Heel is a Killer

Most ladies get their fashion sense from other ladies. They will do the strangest of things for fashion. The heels make you look sexy...

I took off my underwear – A true life story (A must read for...

I used to be that innocent girl who had the world at her feet. I was beautiful and I had eyes and hips that...


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