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3 Lessons for Startup Entrepreneurs


Founding a company isn’t for the faint of heart. Every entrepreneur — no matter the size of their company — faces tough decisions and seemingly insurmountable struggles at some point in the process of getting their idea off the ground.

Below are some of the lessons I learned along the way:

Lesson Number 1: The difference between a good person – and someone who’s good for you.

In life and in business you will come across a number of people. I believe that all people are inherently good. Choices they’ve made tend to define them, but they all have good inside. Whether those people are good for YOU is another question altogether. If the people around you aren’t building you up, supporting you and your dreams constructively, or helping you see the bigger picture – you need some new people in your life. Change is hard – but when it’s for the better, you will grow.

When my business started growing I decided it was time to look for investors. People to help boost my company to further expansion. I believed that investors were the light at the end of the tunnel. Boy was I wrong. I had times when I had no clue how to scale, had people breathing down my neck, and had many sleepless nights. While those times were extremely trying, they shaped the investor I am today.

Lesson Number 2: investors are not the light at the end of the tunnel if you cannot meet their expectations and demands.

Do not expect that just because you have investors all your problems will go away. In many instances, your problems will only get bigger. You may have a compelling story of overcoming odds to get to where you are – but if you cannot meet the expectations post receiving money, you’ll be in an equally horrific nightmare. KNOW when you are ready to take on an investor – just because you need extra cash does not mean you are ready.

When I reached a level of success I needed to keep up an image in my mind. Flashyness sells – so get a beautiful car, go on expensive holidays, wear the finest clothes. Show people that you are a cut above them. How wrong I was.

Lesson number 3 : Materialism hurts you on the inside. You are constantly trying to fill a void inside you with THINGS.

The problem with that is things get old. That car you’re driving is old next year. Those clothes are out of fashion. You need more and more and more – just to fill that void.

I changed. The people around me know that my day to day car is a Honda Civic. I don’t need to keep up an image of constantly partying and being lavish.

When you achieve peace and happiness on the inside, you don’t need the plaudits from the outside. It’s something you have to work on daily – but when you taste that peace, nothing beats it.

Today my life is very different to the person I was. Before I believed I had to be flashy to get attention from people.

The investors I had before are long gone, replaced with organizations and people that share our vision to make a change in the lives of people at the bottom of the pyramid.

The first thing I tell people who come into the office to meet me is this “lose the facade. Everyone is fighting a hard battle – I want to know who YOU are”.

So yes building a business was harder than any quote can capture. Yes, sustaining that business and keeping your feet grounded is difficult. Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m still standing. If I could make it through, you can too. Just ditch the pretence and be you. Work harder than anyone you know. LOVE those close to you, and live life for more than self.

Let your actions, choices and character define you – not the things you have.

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